A Foodies Day Out at Urban Providore
Dawn is a connector. She uses her business – Urban Providore – to help people reach out to others. Dawn connects people with products and producers, friends with fine food gifts and besotted romantics with bespoke picnic baskets.

She gives anyone with a great product, an opportunity to shine, while keeping a strict standard of quality through her Urban Providore dedicated tasting panel of carefully curated Canberra foodies. Dawn takes risks to help small business share their passions.

Dawn is generously abundant with her time, energy and support. And the Canberra Food Bloggers were the lucky recipients of her warm hospitality as Dawn shared her afternoon and plenty of wonderful wine and food as we explored the world of Urban Providore!

Urban Food
Tucked away in Paragon Mall in Fyshwick, Urban Providore’s shop front is graced by a colourful and prolific small urban garden where visitors are encouraged to help themselves to the seasonal produce and herbs.

Urban Gourmet
Canberra’s small suburban shopping centres are one of the things I love about Canberra. Some of the best eateries are found there as well as many independent small supermarkets supplying locals with everything from soap and flour to artisan specialist foods and fine wines. Urban Providore provides the link, between your local store and local and regional producers. It’s Dawn that keeps many of these small Canberra businesses supplied with the products we love.

Gifts and Hampers

No matter where you are Dawn can supply you with gorgeous regional food and wine or send it your clients, friends and family. Urban Providore is immensely popular with Corporates looking for uniquely Canberra gifts to set them apart. I can also see a great opportunity for people travelling or living abroad or those who have friends and family overseas celebrating special occasions. Urban Providore only charges the cost of freight, no more!

Special Offers
Urban Providore’s website is well set up for on-line ordering to save you time and orders over $100 are freight free. Mention this post and get 25% off your first order!
Corporates who are well organised can discount their Christmas orders by 20% in October and 10% in November.
And if you buy a new product and tag @urbanprovidore in your post Dawn will give you another one free with your next order.

Fyshwick’s best Kept Secrets
But Urban Providore is not the only Fyshwick secret for foodies and art lovers to discover. If you drop by the Urban Providore shopfront when it’s open on a Saturday 10am-1pm, do also visit the other Boutiques of Fyshwick that Dawn has collated into a map!

Contact Details
Phone 0414 729 370 and please leave Dawn a message or send a text. Or email Dawn on urbanprovidore@gmail.com
Store and showroom is located at 16 of 8 Gladstone St, Fyshwick, Australian Capital Territory, Australia (across from King Living Furniture and next to Pack & Send (perfect for dispatching your gifts across Australia and internationally).
Current Shop front Trading Hours Saturday 10-1

thanks for your post, Michele. I’m heading there well before Christmas for some gifts.
Thanks for the shout out!